Saturday, September 12, 2009

Distrito Federal (Mexico City)

We made fast friends a pair of fellow traveling adventurers from Stockholm, Sweeden. Chris, who was a scuba diver instructor in Thailand is slowly convincing me of the possibility of scubaing in Honduras! We caught up for drinks and ended up seeing an amazing live band that we rocked out to all night.

"Los Pyramides de La Luna y El Sol en Teotihuacan"
"That's a big one"
"Let's climb those prymids!"

Being a Bellingham-er for five years in counting has trained me to brave the ever so common torrential downpour that we call rain. Instead of adjusting my schedule according to the predictable golf ball sized rain that hit Coyoacan between 4:00-6:00, I've decided to trudge through the rain and bear wet pants.
"La casa y El Museo de Leon Trotsky"
I was able to take a peek into Trotsky's minimalist home. I had a mini history lesson from the museum dedicated to his life lead by revolutionary ideals. Here is a picture from the outside of his home.

"La Casa de Frida Kahlo y Diego Rivera"
We are staying in the neighborhood of Coyoacan, where Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera lived. We navigated through their house and museum filled with Kahlo's emotionally expressive self portraits and paintings.

Welcome to Unam, the first university in Mexico. The immense campus is filled with beautiful murals that puts WWU's pseudo sculpture art to shame.

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